can you have two drivers in your golf bag

Can You Have Two Drivers in Your Golf Bag

Yes, you can have two drivers in your golf bag during a round. The rules of golf do not limit the number of drivers.

Golf enthusiasts often debate the contents of their golf bag, particularly the number and type of clubs. While many players opt for a standard set, some consider carrying two drivers for different shot types. The rules set by the R&A and the United States Golf Association allow a maximum of fourteen clubs in a player’s bag during a round.

These can include any combination of clubs, provided the total does not exceed the limit. Whether to include multiple drivers hinges on an individual’s strategy and the course’s challenges. Players might choose two drivers with distinct characteristics, such as one for distance and another for accuracy or different flight patterns, thus tailoring their equipment to their playing style and the specific demands of each course.

Benefits Of Carrying Two Drivers

Carrying two drivers in your golf bag offers a plethora of benefits, particularly when it comes to increased shot variety. By having an additional driver, golfers can manage their tee shots to better suit the hole they’re playing. Certain drivers are engineered for greater distance, while others may offer more control and accuracy. This means you can select the driver that aligns with your strategic approach for each shot.

Another significant advantage is the flexibility in adapting to differing course conditions. Different drivers can have varying loft angles, shaft stiffness, and club head sizes that can be utilized effectively in diverse weather conditions or to counteract the challenges presented by particular courses. For instance, one driver might be optimal for use on a windy day, allowing the golfer to keep the ball low and reduce the impact of crosswinds. The second driver might have features that aid performance on a calm day when maximum distance is the primary goal.

Can You Have Two Drivers in Your Golf Bag


Challenges Of Carrying Two Drivers

Carrying two drivers in your golf bag presents a unique set of challenges, particularly when considering weight and space limitations. A standard golf bag is designed to accommodate a finite number of clubs, and adding an extra driver can put strain on both the bag’s structure and the golfer’s ability to comfortably transport it. The combined weight of two drivers can significantly increase the overall load, potentially leading to quicker fatigue on the course.

The issue extends beyond mere physical burden. Golfers must also navigate the potential confusion in club selection. With two drivers at hand, making a quick and effective decision on which to use in a specific situation can become more complicated, requiring a deeper understanding of each club’s unique characteristics and how they match the current play conditions. Deciding between two drivers while under the pressure of a game can disrupt a golfer’s focus and rhythm, and might even affect the overall strategy and execution of the shots.

Tips For Carrying Two Drivers

Understanding the specific conditions of a golf course is crucial when deciding to carry two drivers in your golf bag. Golfers often overlook that different courses may require alternative strategies and having multiple drivers can be advantageous. For example, one driver may be optimized for distance, perfect for long and open fairways, whereas the second driver could offer greater control or accuracy, ideal for narrower holes with tight landing areas. Additionally, weather conditions, such as wind strength and direction, can heavily influence your choice of driver on the course. Selecting two drivers with distinct characteristics allows for adaptability and tactical decisions that cater to varying challenges presented during a round of golf.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Can You Have Two Drivers In Your Golf Bag

Can I Have 2 Drivers In My Bag?

Yes, you can carry two drivers in your golf bag, providing you do not exceed the 14-club limit set by the rules of golf.

How Many Clubs Can You Have In Your Bag On The Pga Tour?

On the PGA Tour, golfers are allowed to carry a maximum of 14 clubs in their bag.

Can You Play With More Than 14 Clubs In Your Bag?

No, the official rules of golf limit players to carrying a maximum of 14 clubs in their bag during a round. Exceeding this count can result in penalties.

How Many Clubs Can You Carry In 2023?

Golfers are allowed to carry a maximum of 14 clubs in their bag during a round in 2023. This rule is enforced across all levels of play.


Embracing the versatility of having two drivers in your golf bag can up your game. It’s a strategy worth considering for those eyeing improved coverage across different courses. Remember, the rules permit it, and your play style justifies it. Explore this tactic and see how it swings for you on the fairway!

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